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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The start of a new guard army

After many months of pondering and finally coming to the conclusion that my collection of Imperial Guard has been lost to the warp (lost in transit) i have decided to start a new army.
as i build this army I'm going to record step by step the build and the painting proses, i believe i have found a solid and easy to do colour scheme that follows a desert background but with the 40K twist.

the first model and test model for this paint scheme was a commissar.
The painting prosses was as follows:
  1. under coat, Army painter bleach bone.
  2. Graveyard earth, for the coat/boot's and peak cap
  3. Mithril silver, for all silver bits
  4. mechrite red for the sash
  5. shining gold for the sward hilt
  6. wash face with ogryn flesh
  7. wash over all of the model with devlin mud apart from the face.
  8. allow to dry and touch up were needed
  9. wash over all areas that have been washed with devlin mu with badab black, not the face.
  10. highlight silver areas with mithril silver.
these are all the main colours iv decided to use in my army and as you can see the affect is good.

As this model turned out so well iv tried it with a few others to see what effect it has.

over the next few weeks il be trying the painting scheme out on a number of different guard models, any feed back is welcome and any ideas too

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