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Saturday, 10 September 2011

Imperial Guard Leman Russ

After trying my paint scheme out on a few guard miniature i thought i would try it out on a tank, and as you all know the back bone of any Guard army is the Leman Russ battle tank.
so after i Doug one out i thought i would see if the army painter skull bone would be able to cover the already painted Leman Russ which had been under coated with chaos black and then painted with Dark angels green.

this is how it turned out with one coat!

As you can see it came out better than i thought :)

so after this good result i set about painting all the silver bits.

after this i tried the same wash process i used on the other miniatures, using Devlin Mud and Badda Black.
this is were it went abit wrong, after about three hours of trying to avoid brush stroke and pooling it wasn't going so well. after trying everything i could think to do nothing seemed to work. even asking the advice from dave at
It got to the point were i thought i would have to re spray it and start again, so i got the army painter spray can out and then thought i would try and scrub off some of the paint with some warm water and a nail brush.
after about three minutes of scrubbing gently i ran the model under the tap to rinse it abit and to see what had come off and i was amazed to see this.

I don't know how this has happened but it seemed to have weathered the tank brilliantly and given it the rough battle hardened look i was after. so once i get the time next week i will add the detail to the rest of it.

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